Water scarcity in the province of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa led to the municipality requiring assistance with treatment of domestic and industrial sewage and wastewater to near potable standard for use in industrial processes. Industrial players in the area were consuming far too high amounts of water and discharging wastewater into the ocean.
| The challenge
- The City of Durban were facing dire water shortages
- Mondi Paper mill in Merebank (Durban) realised its high water needs, as they were consuming up to 10 Ml/d second class water for almost 4 decades
- Sapref was the second highest consumer of potable water in the region
Reduce discharge of high COD wastewater into the ocean
| Veolia’s solution
Through collaboration with the eThekwini municipality as well as industrial players, Veolia installed a highly specialised tertiary water treatment process, specifically tailored to meet the high water quality requirements of DWR's main client, Mondi Paper. The specification includes 22 parameters that are measured in the South African Water standard. It is located in the grounds of of Durban’s Southern Wastewater Treatment Works (SWTW), the plant was commissioned in May 2001. The plant has a treatment capacity of 47.5 million litres of domestic and industrial wastewater to a near potable standard for sale to industrial customers for direct use in their processes.
| The benefits
Operation began in May 2001 (and is still in operation) with the major benefits including a reduction in the overall industrial consumption of potable water and a decrease in the amount of treated sewage being released into the environment.
Further advantages include:
- Economic advantages for all role players (Industry partner enjoys a 52% saving in water tariff),
- Public private Partnership - the first of it’s kind, a new contractual and financial model for providing capital for new infrastructure (eThekwini didn’t have to do a big capital outlay)
- Conservation and sustainable development of the area's water resources
- Reduction of water demand, Perfect example of ecological transformation model where scarce resources are re-used and there is reduced stress on the marine ecosystem
- Innovative use of water treatment processes and technologies
- Accelerated customer growth in the area as a result of project success